Tamil Annual Conference


The Inaugural Session of the Tamil Annual Conference (TAC) was held on 2nd December 1976 at the Tamil Methodist Church, Kuala Lumpur.

The opening devotion was conducted by Rev. David Tharmakan. Following the devotion, Mr. D.R. Daniel, Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board of the Tamil Provisional Annual Conference (TPAC) of the Methodist Church in Malaysia and Singapore, in the absence of the President of TPAC Rev. Eddie Thoraisingam, who had left for the U.S.A.for his studies, and the Bishop of the Methodist Church in Malaysia and Singapore Bishop T.R. Doraisamy, who had left for Sarawak for an Ordination Service, declared open the First Session of the Tamil Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Malaysia.

Mr. D.R. Daniel then called upon Rev. V.A. Chelliah to lead in prayer and asked the members of the Conference to elect a Chairman, “protempore” (for the time being) from among the Travelling Elders by ballot. Rev. V. John Kovilpillai was elected by secret ballot. Rev. Noel Arputharaj was unanimously elected as the Conference Secretary. He then called the Roll and the following responded:20

Ministerial Members:

Revs. N.G. Manickam, V.A. Chelliah, Paul Athimuthu, James K. Solamadan, Noel Arputharaj, John Kovilpillai, F.D. Chellaraj Fenn,

S.Sundararaj (Total 8)

Approved Supply Pastors:

Mr. V. Seenisamy, Rev. J.J. Ratnarajah (Total 2)

Lay Delegates: (22 delegates from 20 local churches)

Mr. Gnananantham (Alor Star), Mr. John Paul (Sungai Patani), Mrs. M. Paul (Penang), Mr. C. Thomas (Ipoh),

Mr. G. Manickaraj (Tamil Settlement), Mr. S.S. Pandian (Tamil Settlement), Mr. Edward Paul (Sungai Siput/Kati),

Mr. G. Meshak (Teluk Anson), Mr. Gnanamuthu (Kampar/Gopeng), Mr. K. Pandian (Sentul),

Mr. E.V. Nesaratnam (Kuala Lumpur), Mr. Sam Supramaniam (Kuala Lumpur), Mr. S.P. Sarathy (Klang),

Mr. Rajendran Das (Port Klang), Mr. Robert Selvaratnam (Banting), Mr. Vijesurier (Tanjong Malim),

Mr. Charles Sundram (Bukit Rotan), Mr. Victor Murty (Kuantan), Mr. R. Jesudas (Raub), Mr. E.V. Nathan (Seremban), Mr. K. Solomon (Cha’ah), Mr. G. Franklin (Kluang)

Note: Taiping, Sitiawan, Malacca, Johore Bahru did not send any lay delegates

W.S.C.S. President: Mrs. Violet Dass

Conference Lay Leader: Mr. D.R. Daniel

The First Session of the TAC elected the following:

President: Rev. V. John Kovilpillai (elected on the first ballot)

Vice-President: Mr. E.V. Nesaratnam (elected by simple majority)

Conference Secretary: Rev. Noel Arputharaj (elected by show of hands)

Conference Treasurer: Mr. Sam Supramaniam

Conference Statistician: Rev. C. Pandian

Conference Lay Leader: Mr. D.R. Daniel


The Conference, as proposed by Mr. S.P. Sarathy (Klang) and seconded by

Mr. G. Manickaraj (Ipoh Tamil Settlement), adopted the name of TAMIL ANNUAL CONFERENCE of the Methodist

Church in Malaysia.

The following were elected as the first Board Chairpersons of TAC:

Christian Education: Dr K. T. Pillai

Christian Social Concerns: Dr Sam Pakianathan

Evangelism: Mr David Pandian

Finance: Mr P.S. Nagaratnam

Investigation: Rev. Chellaraj Fenn

Ministry: Rev. Paul Athimuthu

Missions: Mr. Victor Murty

Nominations: Mr. Sam Supramaniam

Properties: Rev. V.A. Chelliah

Publications: Rev. James K. Solamadan

Worship and Music: Mrs. Edith David

The following Elders were appointed as the first District Superintendents of TAC

Northern Malaya District: Rev. Chellaraj Fenn

Perak District: Rev. K. James Solamadan

Eastern Malaya District: Rev. K. James Solamadan

Selangor District: Rev. V. John Kovilpillai

Southern Malaya District: Rev. Noel Arputharaj

TAC Headquarters: Since the President, Rev. John Kovilpillai, was also the pastor of the Tamil Methodist Church Kuala Lumpur, his local church office doubled up as the TAC office as well. So the official address of the TAC was 197 Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad, Kuala Lumpur. In 1984, when Wisma TAC was purchased, the Headquarters then moved to its present location.

Fulltime Clerk for TAC Office: Mr. E.V. Nesaratnam proposed that a clerk be appointed for the TAC Headquarters. The motion was seconded by Mr. S.P. Sarathy. Mrs. Mages Jeevan, the KL church office clerk, gave initial clerical help before Miss Jayamany Ratnam from Ipoh church became the

TAC Clerk and served from 1980 till 1994. Currently it is Mrs Mercy Sugumar, who is serving since September 1996.

Last Posted on 31/03/2018